Barranco Moreno PR-CV 173.
The route through the Barranco Moreno, in the heart of the Macizo del Caroig, has an undoubted landscape value, with a route through the water courses always surrounded by immense closed pine forests. Its eroded bed carved out of limestone forms a unique landscape, to which we have to add some sites with cave paintings and the enormous plant biodiversity of the different floors and microclimates within the same ravine. In autumn, in the shaded areas, the color of the abundant ash trees stands out.
A large part of the route takes place along a path in height until reaching the ravine where there is no path, so we will have to move around obstacles and sections that carry water along their course. In times of heavy rains it is inadvisable to enter its interior.
During the route through the ravine we come across a shelter with cave paintings, such as the Balsa de Calicanto, where we can see a roe deer, a Levantine-style horse, zigzags and anthropomorphs.