Cyanistes caeruleus

The Eurasian blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus is a small bird similar in size to a sparrow, a forest insectivore, very lively, which moves among the branches of the trees very actively while looking for food. It often hangs upside down at the ends of branches.

It lives in riverside forests and mixed forests below 1600 m, although in winter it also lives in parks and gardens. It requires both natural and artificial holes to breed, being a regular user of nest boxes.

Insectivorous during spring and summer, it is more omnivorous in winter, where it looks for foods rich in vegetable fats.

The wings, tail and head of the blue tit exhibit a beautiful bluish color, which is completed with a cobalt blue collar. The back has greenish tints, and the underparts are yellowish with a central stripe on the belly. Characteristic very rounded head, with black eyebrow and white face, crowned with a blue hood. It has white cheeks in adults and pale yellow in fledglings.    

It is practically present throughout Spain, being absent in some areas of the Ebro valley, Tierra de Campos, La Mancha, Guadalquivir valley, arid southeast, interior of Valencia and Murcia and Sierra Nevada.

The Eurasian Blue Tit is very notable for its striking combination of blue and yellow colors.

The song is a trisyllabic whistle, very high-pitched at the beginning and slightly lower and raspier in the last, longer syllable.

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