The ravine of the Hoz

The La Hoz ravine, already in the last foothills of the Caroig Massif in the Sierra de Enguera, is an extensive mountainous area predominantly occupied by bushes and fragments of forest formations that are home to many species of wildlife.

It is one of those places that I usually visit two or three times a year, where I can enjoy a unique landscape environment. In this silent and inhospitable place, where eagles, vultures, ravens and others have jurisdiction, nature presents itself to us in every corner of its deep ravines, formed by erosive action, with its vertical walls that ascend to the highest from the mountains.

A couple of vultures flies over the vertical where I am. They do not usually miss the appointment, where in the rocky cliffs that surround the ravine they have their innkeepers.
At the top of the peak that turns its back on the Chorrillo house, the golden eagle had its nest, which after long and arduous field work I was able to take some images of.

The absence of trees in this area due to the numerous fires that devastated the mountains a few years ago, gives it an originality and a different charm, as it gives one an unsettling feeling that one is in another world.

The area has an area of 1,009 hectares and is included in the Sierra de Enguera Site of Community Interest (LIC), forming part of the Natura 2000 Network.

There have been numerous photographic journeys in search of its elusive fauna such as the tawny owl, the black wheatear, the golden eagle, among many others, and a very peculiar flora hidden in each of its nooks, where the micro-reserve of flora of “El Chorrillo”.

Black Wheatear female (Oenanthe leucura) that I was able to photograph very close to the Piedra de la Ventana.
Cave paintings of Charco de la Pregunta, where a horse can be seen quite clearly and in very good condition.
After leaving behind the path that takes me away from El Chorrillo’s house, a beautiful rainbow emerges near the silhouette of the Piedra de la Ventana, during a gentle and grateful storm.
Stormy night at the Chorrillo house. In the background the Window Stone.

The nights in the ravine of La Hoz have a true protagonist, the tawny owl (Strix aluco), hearing its hooting spreading in the night air is quite an event, but if you are lucky enough to see it and photograph it, the emotion that runs through you the body reaches its maximum expression.

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