The Salticidae are a family of araneomorph spiders described by J. Blackwall in 1841. They are characterised by their ability to make great leaps (jumping spiders) and their good eyesight, one of the best among arthropods, abilities that they use to hunt or to move with great precision. With 636 genera and nearly 7,000 described species, approximately 13% of the total spider species, the Salticidae are the largest family. They live in a wide variety of habitats. Although most species […]
The great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopos major is a medium-sized bird, very distinctive for its black and white plumage, strong, pointed beak and alert attitude. Both sexes have very showy red spots on the belly, and only the males have another one on the nape of the neck, while young specimens can be identified by a red spot all over the crown, that is, on the top of the head. This woodpecker is able to tap the bark of trees repeatedly […]
The bird of the wind, which for many ornithologists is the perfect bird for a series of reasons that we will see, is the first to migrate, before the swallows and the house martins, anticipating the end of summer. The common swift Apus apus will leave our villages after breeding, heading for the African steppes of the southern Sahel and the countries of central Africa, where it will spend the winter after travelling 7,000 km across deserts, mountain ranges and […]
The Eurasian blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus is a small bird similar in size to a sparrow, a forest insectivore, very lively, which moves among the branches of the trees very actively while looking for food. It often hangs upside down at the ends of branches. It lives in riverside forests and mixed forests below 1600 m, although in winter it also lives in parks and gardens. It requires both natural and artificial holes to breed, being a regular user of […]
The Llosar route: transhumance paths in search of eternal spring Transhumance and transhumants require protection, and above all, recognition. In the year in which transhumance has been officially declared in Spain, Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, only three shepherds from Teruel keep it alive on one of the routes to the Mediterranean, specifically the Llosar livestock route. On this occasion and to commemorate this more than well-deserved worldwide recognition, I have accompanied them in the seasonal movement of […]
The Coal tit Periparus ater is a species of passerine bird in the Paridae family found in Eurasia and North Africa. It is quite common and is usually sedentary; most of its populations do not migrate. Typical of coniferous forests, very easy to detect due to its incessant tit-tuii call. This will allow us to locate it in the high branches of the pine forests of our mountains, where it usually searches for insects and seeds accompanied by other congeners. […]
The Great Tit Parus major is a species of passerine bird in the paridae family. About 14 cm, it is unmistakable due to the black tie, more marked in males, on the yellow color of the chest. It can often be seen near the ground when searching for food or in the lower strata of the forest. It usually lives in forests, especially deciduous, but also in pine forests and non-forest wooded environments. It nests in tree holes and any […]
The insolent storm that has punished Cuenca these days has had the deference to respect the mourning of the Holy Burial Procession, a funeral that has brought back the pulse of Holy Week in Cuenca. With this truce, the Holy Burial parade has been able to take to the streets, solemn and silent as a sign of respect for the death of Jesus of Nazareth, participatory in terms of brothers – more than 500 Nazarenes in tulips – and supported […]
The sardinian warbler Sylvia melanocephala is a species of passerine bird in the family Sylviidae that measures about 13 cm in length. The iris of the eyes is brown or brown and is framed by a reddish or salmon-pink eye ring in adults, and a more pinkish-brown tone in young people. The males have a black head from the beak and below the eyes that contrasts with the white color of the throat and lower part of the cheeks. The […]
The common kestrel, Falco tinnunculus, is the closest and easiest to see daytime bird of prey. It prefers an open field and bush habitat, avoiding dense and closed forests, even nesting within populations. It is relatively small compared to other raptors, but larger than most birds. It has long russet wings with black spots, as well as a very distinctive long tail, gray on top and with a rounded black edge. The plumage of males on the head is blue-grayish. […]